• Scientific papers will be received on the following thematic axes:
  1. Implementation of evidence.
  2. Summary of evidence.
  3. Transfer of evidence.
  4. Evidence production.
  • The Scientific papers must be submitted exclusively by electronic means, until May 20th, 2019.


• Abstract in English, limited to 500 words.

• Formatting: A4 paper; 2 cm margins on all sides; spacing 1,5; Arial font size 12 and justified alignment.

• The mandatory elements of the abstract should follow the guidelines described below:

Title It must clearly identify the nature of the work, must be written in capital letters and do not use abbreviations.
Authors The names of the authors must be below the title.
Name of the rapporteur It should be bold and underlined. Separate all authors with a semicolon. Ex .: Almeida AO; Toledo V; Vegian CF.
Body of the abstratc LImited to 500 words.
Must contain (except for theoretical studies):
Introduction: presentation of the subject and justification of the study. General objective of the work. Method: description of the procedures used to carry out the study. Enter the ethics committee’s opinion number in the research, if applicable. Do not insert figures, graphs or tables. Results: highlight the main results obtained in the study. Conclusions: response to the study objective.
Descriptors: Indicate three (3) according to the BIREME DeCS (Descriptor in Health Sciences) or Mesh (Medical Subject Headings) of NLM (National Library of Medicine), separated by semicolons and initialed by upper case letters.
Footnotes List institutional affiliation, professional category, title or position of the authors, besides the e-mail of the rapporteur.
  • Ensure that the rapporteur’s e-mail is informed in the submission of the summary, since all the information will be transmitted through it.
  • Each rapporteur may submit a maximum of two (2) papers, without limiting his / her participation as author in other papers.
  • Abstracts of scientific papers will be accepted or rejected, with no return to the author for corrections.
  • The scientific papers will be selected by an Evaluation Committee of the papers.
  • The list of approved abstracts to be presented orally and in poster format will be disclosed by e-mail to the rapporteur by May 31th, 2019.
  • The Annals of the I SIIES 2019 will be published online, through the platform Galoá Proceedings, with deposit of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and issuance of ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).


  • • Abstracts of works approved in the poster format must be presented on the day and at established times, allowing for the wide visitation of the participants and discussion with the authors of the works.
  • • The Poster modality will be attended by the rapporteur and the moderator by thematic areas.

The preparation of the poster should strictly follow the following instructions:

  • The poster will be printed rather than electronic.
  • The poster size: 90cm x 120cm (Portrait orientation)
  • The content of the pôster, in English, should contain, basically, the same elements indicated in the summary: Introduction, Objective, Method, Result, Conclusion and main references. Important:
  • It is recommended that some information be presented in tables, tables and figures, avoiding long texts and facilitating quick comprehension by the reader, which makes the poster more attractive to the participants.
  • The presentation will consist of a brief report of up to 10 minutes, which can be done in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
  • We will soon send the poster template.


  • Oral presentation Powerpoint slides should be in English.
  • Oral presentations will last 20 minutes, 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for debates and can be done in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
  • Discussions will take place jointly at the end of the technical session. For this type of presentation, a computer and projector will be available.
  • Soon we will send the oral presentation template.

Aspects to be considered during the time of the oral presentation:

  • The presentation must be made within 15 minutes;
  • Preferably, use “PowerPoint Presentation”, which should be taken on two different flash drives, for security purpose;
  • Concerning the presentation time, it is suggested that the number of PowerPoint presentation slides does not exceed 15 (fifteen);
  • To ensure good visibility, the letter size must be equal to or greater than 24;
  • Carefully choose the specific points you want to highlight for the audience; do not make a simple reading of your written work. Show only the highlights.


  • The Scientific Commttee will nominate three papers for the awards